Saturday 28 March 2015

the most importance paragraph Load shedding in Bangladesh for class jsc-jdc-ssc and hsc

the most importance paragraph Load shedding in Bangladesh for class jsc-jdc-ssc and hsc

This peragrapa 2015 Candidates imported

Load shedding in bangladesh

a)      What do you mean by load shedding?
b)      When does load shedding usually occur?
c)       What problem does load shedding cause?
d)      What are its effects on mills and factories?
e)      How are students affected by load shedding?
f)       What should we do to stop load shedding?
load shedding in bangladesh
Load shedding is a great setback In the economic an social development of the country.
It means the discontinuation of supply of electricity. There are many causes of load shedding. first, generation of power is less than our demand. Besides, when any power plant is our demand. Besides, when any power plant is out of order, we cannot repair it immediately. Not only that, there are many illegal connection. During load shedding, mills and factories become idle and for this reason industrial production declines . Social works and activities cannot go in order. Students cannot study properly. They are to study in dim candlelight. 

The housewife gropes in the darkness in the kitchen. Load shedding sometimes proves fatal to the critical patients who need immediate operations. It sometimes happens that these patients die due to the failure of timely operation caused ny load shedding in the hospital. The shops are to close down before the closing time. All types of works are hampered during the period of load shedding. However, by establishing more power plants, by stopping unplanned distribution of electricity, illegal connection and reducing system loss, we are to solve this problem because it hampers our economic and social development
The end


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